Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Obat Perangsang Wanita

Obat Perangsang Wanita - PROBLEM premature ejaculation (ED) has long been associated with psychological disorders. However, according to new study findings, a problem that could interfere with the warmth of the couple relationship can be triggered by genetic factors.

Researchers from Sweden and Finland reveal, male patients with ED tend to have a genetic abnormality. This man was carrying a flaw in a gene that controls the release of dopamine Dopamine is a chemical that plays an important role in everything, ranging from movement and focus to the perception of the brain related to pleasure and reward.

Researchers in Sweden and Finland believes that the drug works to increase levels of dopamine in the brain could become a new way in overcoming ED.

Since the 1970s, bright researchers, based drugs used to overcome the dopamine Parkinson's disease proved to have the effect of aprodisiak (stimulus arousal) in some patients.

But until recently, most experts agree that the possibility of ED associated with psychological problems, such as the difficulty to relax during sex. ED Treatment usually involves relaxation techniques. In addition, doctors sometimes prescribe antidepressants to control anxiety.

Dopamine levels
This was a recent study indicates that the ED likely derived from the previous generation. In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the researchers examined nearly 1300 men aged between 18 and 45. Researchers asked participants about the duration of their lovemaking. In addition, the researchers also took saliva samples to investigate the defect in the dopamine transporter gene.

Results showed that men with a slightly different form of the gene is much greater risk of suffering from ED. "The results of this study indicate that drugs that directly affect the levels of dopamine has the potential to overcome ED," explained the researcher, as quoted dailymail.co.uk sites, Thursday

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